
class sbpy.calib.vega_spectrum[source]

Bases: astropy.utils.state.ScienceState

Get/set the sbpy default Vega spectrum.

To retrieve the current default:

>>> from sbpy.calib import vega_spectrum
>>> vega = vega_spectrum.get()

To change it: >>> with vega_spectrum.set(Vega.from_file(filename)) # doctest: +SKIP … # Vega from filename in effect … pass

Methods Summary


Get the current science state value.


Set the current science state value.


Validate the value and convert it to its native type, if necessary.

Methods Documentation

classmethod get()

Get the current science state value.

classmethod set(value)

Set the current science state value.

classmethod validate(value)[source]

Validate the value and convert it to its native type, if necessary.