Dust comae (`sbpy.activity.dust`) ================================= *Afρ* and *εfρ* --------------- `sbpy` has two classes to support observations and models of a coma continuum: `~sbpy.activity.dust.Afrho` and `~sbpy.activity.dust.Efrho`. The *Afρ* parameter of A'Hearn et al (1984) is based on observations of idealized cometary dust comae. It is proportional to the observed flux density within a circular aperture. The quantity is the product of dust albedo, dust filling factor, and the radius of the aperture at the distance of the comet. It carries the units of *ρ* (length), and under certain assumptions is proportional to the dust production rate of the comet: .. math:: Afρ = \frac{4 Δ^2 r_h^2}{ρ}\frac{F_c}{F_⊙} where *Δ* and *ρ* have the same (linear) units, but :math:`r_h` is in units of au. :math:`F_c` * is the flux density of the comet in the aperture, and :math:`F_⊙` is that of the Sun at 1 au in the same units. See A'Hearn et al. (1984) and Fink & Rubin (2012) for more details. The *εfρ* parameter is the thermal emission counterpart to *Afρ*, replacing albedo with IR emissivity, *ε*, and the solar spectrum with the Planck function, *B*: .. math:: εfρ = \frac{F_c Δ^2}{π ρ B(T_c)} where :math:`T_c` is the spectral temperature of the continuum (Kelley et al. 2013). *Afρ* and *εfρ* are quantities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Afrho` and `Efrho` are subclasses of `astropy`'s `~astropy.units.Quantity` and carry units of length. >>> import numpy as np >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from sbpy.activity import Afrho, Efrho >>> >>> afrho = Afrho(100 * u.cm) >>> print(afrho) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 100.0 cm >>> efrho = Efrho(afrho * 3.5) >>> print(efrho) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 350.0 cm They may be converted to other units of length just like any `Quantity`: >>> afrho.to('m') # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP .. _afrho-to-from-flux-density: Convert to/from flux density ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The quantities may be initialized from flux densities. Here, we reproduce one of the calculations from the original A'Hearn et al. (1984) work: * :math:`r_h` = 4.785 au * *Δ* = 3.822 au * phase angle = 3.3° * aperture radius = 9.8" (27200 km) * :math:`\log{F_λ}` = -13.99 erg/(cm\ :sup:`2` s Å) at *λ* = 5240 Å The solar flux density at 1 au is also needed. We use 1868 W/(m2 μm). >>> from sbpy.data import Ephem >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd >>> >>> solar_fluxd.set({ ... 'λ5240': 1868 * u.W / u.m**2 / u.um, ... 'λ5240(lambda pivot)': 5240 * u.AA ... }) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> >>> flam = 10**-13.99 * u.Unit('erg/(s cm2 AA)') >>> aper = 27200 * u.km >>> >>> eph = Ephem.from_dict({'rh': 4.785 * u.au, 'delta': 3.822 * u.au}) >>> >>> afrho = Afrho.from_fluxd('λ5240', flam, aper, eph) >>> print(afrho) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 6029.90248952895 cm Which is within a few percent of 6160 cm computed by A'Hearn et al.. The difference is likely due to the assumed solar flux density in the bandpass. The `Afrho` class may be converted to a flux density, and the original value is recovered. >>> f = afrho.to_fluxd('λ5240', aper, eph).to('erg/(s cm2 AA)') >>> print(np.log10(f.value)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP -13.99 `Afrho` works seamlessly with `sbpy`'s spectral calibration framework (:ref:`sbpy-calib`) when the `astropy` affiliated package `synphot` is installed. The solar flux density (via `~sbpy.calib.solar_fluxd`) is not required, but instead the spectral wavelengths or the system transmission of the instrument and filter: .. doctest-requires:: synphot >>> wave = [0.4, 0.5, 0.6] * u.um >>> print(afrho.to_fluxd(wave, aper, eph)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP [7.76770018e-14 1.05542873e-13 9.57978939e-14] W / (m2 um) .. doctest-requires:: synphot >>> from synphot import SpectralElement, Box1D >>> # bandpass width is a guess >>> bp = SpectralElement(Box1D, x_0=5240 * u.AA, width=50 * u.AA) >>> print(Afrho.from_fluxd(bp, flam, aper, eph)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 5994.110239075767 cm Thermal emission with *εfρ* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The `Efrho` class has the same functionality as the `Afrho` class. The most important difference is that *εfρ* is calculated using a Planck function and temperature. `sbpy` follows common practice and parameterizes the temperature as a constant scale factor of :math:`T_{BB} = 278\,r_h^{1/2}`\ K, the equilibrium temperature of a large blackbody sphere at a distance :math:`r_h` from the Sun. Reproduce the *εfρ* of 246P/NEAT from Kelley et al. (2013). .. doctest-requires:: synphot >>> wave = [15.8, 22.3] * u.um >>> fluxd = [25.75, 59.2] * u.mJy >>> aper = 11.1 * u.arcsec >>> eph = Ephem.from_dict({'rh': 4.28 * u.au, 'delta': 3.71 * u.au}) >>> efrho = Efrho.from_fluxd(wave, fluxd, aper, eph) >>> for i in range(len(wave)): ... print('{:5.1f} at {:.1f}'.format(efrho[i], wave[i])) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 406.2 cm at 15.8 um 427.9 cm at 22.3 um Compare to 397.0 cm and 424.6 cm listed in Kelley et al. (2013). To/from magnitudes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Afrho` and `Efrho` work with `astropy`'s magnitude units. If the conversion between Vega-based magnitudes is required, then `sbpy`'s calibration framework (:ref:`sbpy-calib`) will be used. Estimate the *Afρ* of comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) based on Pan-STARRS 1 photometry in the *r* band (Meech et al. 2013) .. doctest-requires:: synphot >>> w = 0.617 * u.um >>> m = 16.02 * u.ABmag >>> aper = 5 * u.arcsec >>> eph = {'rh': 5.234 * u.au, 'delta': 4.275 * u.au, 'phase': 2.6 * u.deg} >>> afrho = Afrho.from_fluxd(w, m, aper, eph) >>> print(afrho) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 1948.496075629444 cm >>> m2 = afrho.to_fluxd(w, aper, eph, unit=u.ABmag) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> print(m2) 16.02 mag(AB) Phase angles and functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Phase angle was not used in the previous section. In the *Afρ* formalism, "albedo" includes the scattering phase function, and is more precisely written *A(θ)*, where *θ* is the phase angle. The default behavior for `Afrho` is to compute *A(θ)fρ* as opposed to *A(0°)fρ*. Returning to the A'Hearn et al. data, we scale *Afρ* to 0° from 3.3° phase using the :func:`~sbpy.activity.Afrho.to_phase` method: >>> afrho = Afrho(6029.9 * u.cm) >>> print(afrho.to_phase(0 * u.deg, 3.3 * u.deg)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 6886.825981017757 cm The default phase function is the Halley-Marcus composite phase function (:func:`~sbpy.activity.phase_HalleyMarcus`). Any function or callable object that accepts an angle as a `~astropy.units.Quantity` and returns a scalar value may be used: >>> Phi = lambda phase: 10**(-0.016 / u.deg * phase.to('deg')) >>> print(afrho.to_phase(0 * u.deg, 3.3 * u.deg, Phi=Phi)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 6809.419810008357 cm To correct an observed flux density for the phase function, use the ``phasecor`` option of :func:`~sbpy.activity.Afrho.to_fluxd` and :func:`~sbpy.activity.Afrho.from_fluxd` methods: >>> flam = 10**-13.99 * u.Unit('erg/(s cm2 AA)') >>> aper = 27200 * u.km >>> eph = Ephem.from_dict({ ... 'rh': 4.785 * u.au, ... 'delta': 3.822 * u.au, ... 'phase': 3.3 * u.deg ... }) >>> >>> afrho = Afrho.from_fluxd('λ5240', flam, aper, eph, phasecor=True) >>> print(afrho) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 6886.828824340642 cm Apertures ^^^^^^^^^ Other apertures may be used, as long as they can be converted into an equivalent radius, assuming a coma with a *1/ρ* surface brightness distribution. `~sbpy.activity` has a collection of useful geometries. >>> from sbpy.activity import CircularAperture, AnnularAperture, RectangularAperture, GaussianAperture >>> apertures = ( ... ( '10" radius circle', CircularAperture(10 * u.arcsec)), ... ( '5"–10" annulus', AnnularAperture([5, 10] * u.arcsec)), ... ( '2"x10" slit', RectangularAperture([2, 10] * u.arcsec)), ... ('σ=5" Gaussian beam', GaussianAperture(5 * u.arcsec)) ... ) >>> for name, aper in apertures: ... afrho = Afrho.from_fluxd('λ5240', flam, aper, eph) ... print('{:18s} = {:5.0f}'.format(name, afrho)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 10" radius circle = 5917 cm 5"–10" annulus = 11834 cm 2"x10" slit = 28114 cm σ=5" Gaussian beam = 9442 cm Reference/API ------------- .. automodapi:: sbpy.activity.dust :no-heading: