Source code for sbpy.activity.gas.productionrate

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
sbpy Production Rate Module

:author: Giannina Guzman (

created on June 26, 2019

import tempfile
import numpy as np
import astropy
import astropy.constants as con
import astropy.units as u
from astroquery.jplspec import JPLSpec
from astroquery.lamda import Lamda
from ...bib import register
from import Phys

__all__ = ['LTE', 'NonLTE', 'einstein_coeff',
           'intensity_conversion', 'beta_factor', 'total_number',

if astropy.__version__ < '5':
    __doctest_skip__ = ['LTE.from_Drahus']

[docs]def intensity_conversion(mol_data): """ Returns conversion of the integrated line intensity at 300 K (from the JPL molecular spectra catalog) to a chosen temperature Parameters ---------- mol_data : `` `` object that contains the following data, using `~astropy.units` for the required units: * Transition frequency in MHz * Temperature in Kelvins * Integrated line intensity at 300 K in MHz * nm**2 * Partition function at 300 K (Dimensionless) * Partition function at designated temperature (Dimensionless) * Upper state degeneracy (Dimensionless) * Upper level energy in Joules * Lower level energy in Joules * Degrees of freedom (Dimensionless) Keywords that can be used for these values are found under `` documentation. We recommend the use of the JPL Molecular Spectral Catalog and the use of `` to obtain these values in order to maintain consistency and because all calculations can be handled within `sbpy` scope if JPLSpec is used. Yet, if you wish to use your own molecular data, it is possible. Make sure to inform yourself on the values needed for each function, their units, and their interchangeable keywords as part of the `` data class. Returns ------- intl : `~astropy.Quantity` Integrated line intensity at designated temperature in MHz * nm**2, which can be appended to the original `` object for future calculations References ---------- Picket et al 1998, JQSRT 60, 883-890 """ if not isinstance(mol_data, Phys): raise ValueError('mol_data must be a `` instance.') temp = mol_data['Temperature'][0] lgint = mol_data['lgint300'][0] part300 = mol_data['partfn300'][0] partition = mol_data['partfn'][0] eup_J = mol_data['eup_j'][0] elo_J = mol_data['elo_J'][0] df = mol_data['degfr'][0] register(intensity_conversion, {'conversion': '1998JQSRT..60..883P'}) k ='J/K') # Boltzmann constant if (eup_J - elo_J) < (k * min(temp, 300 * u.K)): if df in (0, 2): n = 1 else: n = 3./2 intl = lgint*(300*u.K/temp)**(n+1)*np.exp(-(1/temp - 1/(300*u.K)) * elo_J/k) else: intl = lgint*(part300/partition)*(np.exp(-elo_J/(k*temp)) - np.exp(-eup_J/(k*temp))) / \ (np.exp(-elo_J/(k*300 * u.K)) - np.exp(-eup_J/(k*300*u.K))) return intl
[docs]def einstein_coeff(mol_data): """ Einstein coefficient from molecular data Parameters ---------- mol_data : `` `` object that contains the following data, using `astropy.units` for the required units: * Transition frequency in MHz * Temperature in Kelvins * Integrated line intensity at 300 K in MHz * nm**2 * Integrated line intensity at desired temperature * Partition function at 300 K (Dimensionless) * Partition function at designated temperature (Dimensionless) * Upper state degeneracy (Dimensionless) * Upper level energy in Joules * Lower level energy in Joules * Degrees of freedom (Dimensionless) Keywords that can be used for these values are found under `` documentation. We recommend the use of the JPL Molecular Spectral Catalog and the use of `` to obtain these values in order to maintain consistency. Yet, if you wish to use your own molecular data, it is possible. Make sure to inform yourself on the values needed for each function, their units, and their interchangeable keywords as part of the data class. Returns ------- einstein_coeff : `~astropy.Quantity` Spontaneous emission coefficient (1/s), which can be appended to the original `sbpy.phys` object for future calculations """ if not isinstance(mol_data, Phys): raise ValueError('mol_data must be a `` instance.') temp = mol_data['Temperature'][0] lgint = mol_data['lgint300'][0] part300 = mol_data['partfn300'][0] partition = mol_data['partfn'][0] eup_J = mol_data['eup_j'][0] elo_J = mol_data['elo_J'][0] df = mol_data['degfr'][0] t_freq = mol_data['t_freq'][0] gu = mol_data['dgup'][0] h ='J*s') # Planck constant k ='J/K') # Boltzmann constant intl = mol_data['lgint'][0] if (h*t_freq/(k*temp)).decompose().value and \ (h*t_freq/(k*300*u.K)).decompose().value < 1: au = (lgint*t_freq * (part300/gu)*np.exp(eup_J / (k*300*u.K))*(1.748e-9)).value else: au = (intl*(t_freq)**2 * (partition/gu)*(np.exp(-(elo_J/(k*temp)).value) - np.exp(-(eup_J/(k*temp)).value))**(-1) * (2.7964e-16)).value au = au / u.s return au
[docs]def beta_factor(mol_data, ephemobj): """ Returns beta factor based on timescales from `~sbpy.activity.gas` and distance from the Sun using an `` object. The calculation is: parent photodissociation timescale * (distance from comet to Sun)**2 If you wish to provide your own beta factor, you can calculate the equation expressed in units of AU**2 * s , all that is needed is the timescale of the molecule and the distance of the comet from the Sun. Once you have the beta factor you can append it to your mol_data phys object with the name 'beta' or any of its alternative names. Parameters ---------- mol_data : `` `` object that contains AT LEAST the following data: | mol_tag: Molecular identifier (`int` or `str`) This field can be given by the user directly or found using ``. If the mol_tag is an integer, the program will assume it is the JPL Spectral Molecular Catalog identifier of the molecule and will treat it as such. If mol_tag is a string, then it will be assumed to be the human-readable name of the molecule. The molecule MUST be defined in `sbpy.activity.gas.timescale`, otherwise this function cannot be used and the beta factor will have to be provided by the user directly for calculations. The user can obtain the beta factor from the formula provided above. Keywords that can be used for these values are found under `` documentation. We recommend the use of the JPL Molecular Spectral Catalog and the use of `` to obtain these values in order to maintain consistency. Yet, if you wish to use your own molecular data, it is possible. Make sure to inform yourself on the values needed for each function, their units, and their interchangeable keywords as part of the Phys data class. ephemobj : `` `` object holding ephemeride information including distance from comet to Sun ['r'] and from comet to observer ['delta'] Returns ------- q : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Beta factor 'beta', which can be appended to the original `sbpy.phys` object for future calculations """ # imported here to avoid circular dependency with activity.gas from .core import photo_timescale from import Ephem if not isinstance(ephemobj, Ephem): raise ValueError('ephemobj must be a `` instance.') if not isinstance(mol_data, Phys): raise ValueError('mol_data must be a `` instance.') orb = ephemobj delta = (orb['delta']).to('m') r = (orb['r']) if not isinstance(mol_data['mol_tag'][0], str): cat = JPLSpec.get_species_table() mol = cat[cat['TAG'] == mol_data['mol_tag'][0]] name = mol['NAME'].data[0] else: name = mol_data['mol_tag'][0] timescale = photo_timescale(name) if timescale.ndim != 0: # array timescale = timescale[0] beta = (timescale) * r**2 return beta
[docs]def total_number(mol_data, aper, b): """ Equation relating number of molecules with column density, the aperture, and geometry given and accounting for photodissociation, derived from data provided. Feel free to use your own total number to calculate production rate or use this function with your own molecular data as long as you are aware of the needed data. Parameters ---------- integrated_line : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Integrated flux of emission line. mol_data : `` `` object that contains AT LEAST the following data: | Transition frequency in MHz | Einstein Coefficient (1/s) | Beta: (Timescale (in s) * r^2 (in au)) | Column Density in 1/m^2 The values above can either be given by the user or obtained from the functions `~sbpy.activity.gas.productionrate.einstein_coeff` and `~sbpy.activity.gas.productionrate.beta_factor` Keywords that can be used for these values are found under `` documentation. We recommend the use of the JPL Molecular Spectral Catalog and the use of `` to obtain these values in order to maintain consistency. Yet, if you wish to use your own molecular data, it is possible. Make sure to inform yourself on the values needed for each function, their units, and their interchangeable keywords as part of the Phys data class. Returns ------- total_number: `astropy.units.Quantity` An astropy Quantity containing the total number of molecules within the aperture (Dimensionless) """ if not isinstance(mol_data, Phys): raise ValueError('mol_data must be a `` instance.') beta = mol_data['beta'][0] sigma = (1./2. * beta * b * con.c / (mol_data['t_freq'][0] * aper)).value tnumber = mol_data['cdensity'][0].decompose() * sigma * u.m**2 / \ np.sqrt(np.log(2)) return tnumber
[docs]def from_Haser(coma, mol_data, aper=25 * u.m): """ Calculate production rate for `GasComa` Parameters ---------- coma : `sbpy.activity.gas.GasComa` Gas coma model for ratio calculation of production rate, the production rate `Q` that the gas coma model expects should be an educated first guess. A good way to get this guess would be to use the function `from_drahus` found under `sbpy.activity.gas.LTE` The molecule name used for the `parent` argument of the coma model should be the same name or equivalent JPLSpec identifier used to calculate the total number of molecules. mol_data: `` `` object that contains AT LEAST the following data: | Total Number of Molecules (See | `~sbpy.activity.gas.total_number` for a calculation | of this datum if you don't wish to provide it yourself) This field can be given by the user directly or calculated using the necessary combinations of the following functions: ``, `~sbpy.activity.gas.productionrate.einstein_coeff`, `~sbpy.activity.gas.productionrate.beta_factor`, and `~sbpy.activity.gas.productionrate.total_number`. Keywords that can be used for these values are found under `` documentation. We recommend the use of the JPL Molecular Spectral Catalog and the use of `` to obtain these values in order to maintain consistency. Yet, if you wish to use your own molecular data, it is possible. Make sure to inform yourself on the values needed for each function, their units, and their interchangeable keywords as part of the Phys data class. aper : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Telescope aperture in meters. Default is 25 m Returns ------- Q : `~astropy.units.Quantity` production rate Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> from import Ephem, Phys >>> from sbpy.activity import (Haser, LTE, photo_timescale, einstein_coeff, ... from_Haser) >>> from sbpy.activity import (intensity_conversion, beta_factor, ... total_number) >>> aper = 10 * u.m >>> mol_tag = 28001 >>> temp_estimate = 25. * u.K >>> target = 'C/2016 R2' >>> b = 0.74 >>> vgas = 0.5 * / u.s >>> transition_freq = (230.53799 * u.GHz).to('MHz') >>> integrated_flux = 0.26 * u.K * / u.s >>> time = Time('2017-12-22 05:24:20', format = 'iso') >>> ephemobj = Ephem.from_horizons(target, ... epochs=time) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data = Phys.from_jplspec(temp_estimate, transition_freq, ... mol_tag) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> intl = intensity_conversion(mol_data) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data.apply([intl.value] * intl.unit, ... name='intl') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> au = einstein_coeff(mol_data) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data.apply([au.value] * au.unit, ... name='eincoeff') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> beta = beta_factor(mol_data, ephemobj) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data.apply([beta.value] * beta.unit, ... name='beta') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> lte = LTE() >>> cdensity = lte.cdensity_Bockelee(integrated_flux, ... mol_data) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data.apply([cdensity.value] * cdensity.unit, ... name='cdensity') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> tnum = total_number(mol_data, aper, b) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data.apply([tnum.value] * tnum.unit, ... name='total_number') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> Q_estimate = 2.8*10**(28) / u.s >>> parent = photo_timescale('CO') * vgas >>> coma = Haser(Q_estimate, vgas, parent) >>> Q = from_Haser(coma, mol_data, aper=aper) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> Q # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity [9.35795579e+27] 1 / s> References ---------- Haser 1957, Bulletin de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege 43, 740. Newburn and Johnson 1978, Icarus 35, 360-368. """ from .core import GasComa if not isinstance(coma, GasComa): raise ValueError('coma must be a GasComa instance.') if not isinstance(mol_data, Phys): raise ValueError('mol_data must be a `` instance.') register('Spectroscopy', {'Total Number (eq. 15)': ''}) # integrated_line = self.integrated_flux(transition_freq) - not yet implemented molecules = mol_data['total_number'] model_molecules = coma.total_number(aper) Q = coma.Q * molecules/model_molecules return Q
[docs]class LTE(): """ LTE Methods for calculating production_rate """
[docs] def cdensity_Bockelee(self, integrated_flux, mol_data): """ Basic equation relating column density with observed integrated flux without the need for an initial column density to be given. This is found in equation 10 in and is derived from data from JPLSpec, feel free to use your own column density to calculate production rate or use this function with your own molecular data as long as you are aware of the needed data. Parameters ---------- integrated_flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Integrated flux of emission line. mol_data : `` `` object that contains AT LEAST the following data: | Transition frequency in MHz | Einstein Coefficient (1/s) This function will calculate the column density from Bockelee-Morvan et al. 2004 and append it to the phys object as 'Column Density' or any of its alternative field names. The values above can either be given by the user or obtained from the functions `~sbpy.activity.gas.productionrate.einstein_coeff` and `~sbpy.activity.gas.productionrate.beta_factor` Keywords that can be used for these values are found under `` documentation. We recommend the use of the JPL Molecular Spectral Catalog and the use of `` to obtain these values in order to maintain consistency. Yet, if you wish to use your own molecular data, it is possible. Make sure to inform yourself on the values needed for each function, their units, and their interchangeable keywords as part of the Phys data class. Returns ------- Column Density : `astropy.units.Quantity` Column density from Bockelee-Morvan et al. 2004 as astropy Quantity (1/m^2) """ if not isinstance(mol_data, Phys): raise ValueError('mol_data must be a `` instance.') register('Spectroscopy', { 'Total Number (eq. 10)': ''}) cdensity = (8*np.pi*con.k_B*mol_data['t_freq'][0]**2 / (con.h*con.c**3 * mol_data['eincoeff'][0])).decompose() cdensity *= integrated_flux return cdensity
[docs] def from_Drahus(self, integrated_flux, mol_data, ephemobj, vgas=1 *, aper=25 * u.m, b=1.2): """ Returns production rate based on Drahus 2012 model referenced. Does not include photodissociation, good for first guesses for more computationally intensive methods or for the Haser model under `sbpy.activity.gas.productionrate.from_Haser` Parameters ---------- integrated_flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Line integral derived from spectral data in Kelvins * km/s mol_data : `` `` object that contains the following data: | Transition frequency in MHz | Temperature in Kelvins | Partition function at designated temperature (unitless) | Upper state degeneracy (unitless) | Upper level energy in Joules | Degrees of freedom (unitless) | Einstein Coefficient (1/s) These fields can be given by the user directly or calculated using ``, `~sbpy.activity.gas.productionrate.einstein_coeff`, Keywords that can be used for these values are found under `` documentation. We recommend the use of the JPL Molecular Spectral Catalog and the use of `` to obtain these values in order to maintain consistency. Yet, if you wish to use your own molecular data, it is possible. Make sure to inform yourself on the values needed for each function, their units, and their interchangeable keywords as part of the Phys data class. ephemobj : `` `` object holding ephemeride information including distance from comet to Sun ['r'] and from comet to observer ['delta'] vgas : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Gas velocity approximation in km / s. Default is 1 km / s aper : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Telescope aperture in meters. Default is 25 m b : int Dimensionless factor intrinsic to every antenna. Typical value, and the default for this model, is 1.22. See references for more information on this parameter. Returns ------- q : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Production rate, not including photodissociation Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> from import Ephem, Phys >>> from sbpy.activity import LTE, einstein_coeff, intensity_conversion >>> temp_estimate = 47. * u.K >>> target = '103P' >>> vgas = 0.8 * / u.s >>> aper = 30 * u.m >>> b = 1.13 >>> mol_tag = 27001 >>> transition_freq = (265.886434 * u.GHz).to('MHz') >>> integrated_flux = 1.22 * u.K * / u.s >>> time = Time('2010-11-3 00:48:06', format='iso') >>> ephemobj = Ephem.from_horizons( ... target, epochs=time, closest_apparition=True, ... id_type='designation') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data = Phys.from_jplspec(temp_estimate, transition_freq, ... mol_tag) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> intl = intensity_conversion(mol_data) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data.apply([intl.value] * intl.unit, ... name='intl') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> au = einstein_coeff(mol_data) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data.apply([au.value] * au.unit, ... name='eincoeff') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> lte = LTE() >>> q = lte.from_Drahus(integrated_flux, mol_data, ... ephemobj, vgas, aper, b=b) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> q # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA +FLOAT_CMP <MaskedQuantity 1.09899965e+25 1 / s> References ---------- Drahus et al. September 2012. The Sources of HCN and CH3OH and the Rotational Temperature in Comet 103P/Hartley 2 from Time-resolved Millimeter Spectroscopy. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 756, Issue 1. """ register('Spectroscopy', {'Production Rate (No photodissociation)': '2012ApJ...756...80D'}) if not isinstance(mol_data, Phys): raise ValueError('mol_data must be a `` instance.') t_freq = mol_data['t_freq'][0] temp = mol_data['Temperature'][0] partition = mol_data['partfn'] gu = mol_data['dgup'][0] eup_J = mol_data['eup_j'][0] h ='J*s') # Planck constant k ='J/K') # Boltzmann constant c ='m/s') # speed of light vgas ='m/s') au = mol_data['eincoeff'][0] delta = ephemobj["delta"][0] calc = ((16*np.pi*k*t_freq.decompose() * partition*vgas) / (np.sqrt(np.pi*np.log(2)) * h * c**2 * au * gu * np.exp(-eup_J/(k*temp)))).decompose() q = integrated_flux*(calc * b * delta / aper) q =, equivalencies=u.spectral()).decompose()[0] return q
[docs]class NonLTE(): """ Class method for non LTE production rate models Not Yet implemented """
[docs] def from_pyradex(self, integrated_flux, mol_data, line_width=1.0 * / u.s, escapeProbGeom='lvg', iter=100, collider_density={'H2': 900*2.2}): """ Calculate production rate from the Non-LTE iterative code pyradex Presently, only the LAMDA catalog is supported by this function. In the future a function will be provided by sbpy to build your own molecular data file from JPLSpec for use in this function. Collider is assumed to be H2O for the default setting since we are only considering comet production rates. See documentation for pyradex installation tips Parameters ---------- integrated_flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The integrated flux in K * km/s mol_data : `` `` object that contains AT LEAST the following data: | mol_tag: molecule of interest as string or int JPLSpec identifier | temp: kinetic temperature in gas coma (unit K) | cdensity : cdensity estimate (can be calculated from cdensity_Bockelee) (unit 1/cm^2) | temp_back: (optional) background temperature in K (default is 2.730 K) | lamda_name: (optional) LAMDA molecule identifier to avoid ambiguity. `Lamda.molecule_dict` provides list Keywords that can be used for these values are found under `` documentation. Make sure to inform yourself on the values needed for each function, their units, and their interchangeable keywords as part of the Phys data class. line_width : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The FWHM line width (really, the single-zone velocity width to scale the column density by: this is most sensibly interpreted as a velocity gradient (dv/length)) in km/s (default is 1.0 km/s) escapeProbGeom : str Which escape probability method to use, available choices are 'sphere', 'lvg', and 'slab' iter : int Number of iterations you wish to perform. Default is 100, more iterations will take more time to do but will offer a better range of results to compare against. The range of guesses is built by having the column density guess and subtracting/adding an order of magnitude for the start and end values of the loop, respectively. i.e. a guess of 1e15 will create a range between 1e14 and 1e16 collider_density : dict Dictionary of colliders and their densities in cm^-3. Allowed entries are any of the following : h2,oh2,ph2,e,He,H,H+ See `~Pyradex` documentation for more information. Default dictionary is {'H2' : 900*2.2} where 900 is the collider density of H2 and 2.2 is the value for the square root of the ratio of reduced masses of H2O/H2 as follows: (mu_H2O/mu_H2)**0.5 = ((18**2/18*2)/((18*2)/(18+2)))**0.5 = 2.2 in order to scale the collisional excitation to H2O as the main collisional partner. (Walker, et al. 2014; de val Borro, et al. 2017; & Schoier, et al. 2004) Returns ------- column density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` column density to use for the Haser model ratio calculation Note: it is normal for pyradex/RADEX to output warnings depending on the setup the user gives it (such as not having found a molecular data file so it searches for it on LAMDA catalog) Examples -------- >>> from sbpy.activity import NonLTE >>> from import Phys >>> import astropy.units as u >>> transition_freq = (177.196 * u.GHz).to(u.MHz) >>> mol_tag = 29002 >>> cdensity_guess = (1.89*10.**(14) / ( * >>> temp_estimate = 20. * u.K >>> mol_data = Phys.from_jplspec(temp_estimate, transition_freq, ... mol_tag) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data.apply([cdensity_guess.value] * cdensity_guess.unit, ... name= 'cdensity') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> mol_data.apply(['HCO+@xpol'], ... name='lamda_name') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> nonLTE = NonLTE() >>> try: # doctest: +SKIP ... cdensity = nonLTE.from_pyradex(1.234 * u.K * / u.s, ... mol_data, iter=600, ... collider_density={'H2': 900}) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA ... print(cdensity) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA ... except ImportError: ... pass Closest Integrated Flux:[1.24925956] K km / s Given Integrated Flux: 1.234 K km / s [1.06363773e+14] 1 / cm2 References ---------- Haser 1957, Bulletin de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege 43, 740. Walker, et al., On the Validity of Collider-mass Scaling for Molecular Rotational Excitation, APJ, August 2014. van der Tak, et al., A computer program for fast non-LTE analysis of interstellar line spectra. With diagnostic plots to interpret observed line intensity ratios. A&A, February 12 2013. de Val Borro, et al., Measuring molecular abundances in comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) using the APEX telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, October 27 2017. Schoier, et al., An atomic and molecular database for analysis of submillimetre line observations. A&A, November 4 2004. """ try: import pyradex except ImportError: raise ImportError('Pyradex not installed. Please see \') if not isinstance(mol_data, Phys): raise ValueError('mol_data must be a `` instance.') register('Production Rates', {'Radex': '2007A&A...468..627V'}) # convert mol_tag JPLSpec identifier to verbose name if needed try: mol_data['lamda_name'] name = mol_data['lamda_name'][0] name = name.lower() except KeyError: if not isinstance(mol_data['mol_tag'][0], str): cat = JPLSpec.get_species_table() mol = cat[cat['TAG'] == mol_data['mol_tag'][0]] name = mol['NAME'].data[0] name = name.lower() else: name = mol_data['mol_tag'][0] name = name.lower() # try various common instances of molecule names and check them against LAMDA before complaining try: Lamda.molecule_dict[name] except KeyError: try_name = "{}@xpol".format(name) try: Lamda.molecule_dict[try_name] name = try_name except KeyError: print('Molecule name {} not found in LAMDA, module tried {} and also\ found no molecule with this identifier within LAMDA. Please\ enter LAMDA identifiable name using mol_data["lamda_name"]\ . Use Lamda.molecule_dict to see all available options.'.format(name, try_name)) raise # define Temperature temp = mol_data['temp'] # check for optional values within mol_data if 'temp_back' in mol_data: tbackground = mol_data['temp_back'] else: tbackground = 2.730 * u.K # define cdensity and iteration parameters cdensity = mol_data['cdensity'].to(1 / ( * cdensity_low = cdensity - (cdensity*0.9) cdensity_high = cdensity + (cdensity*9) # range for 400 iterations cdensity_range = np.linspace(cdensity_low, cdensity_high, iter) fluxes = [] column_density = [] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as datapath: for i in cdensity_range: R = pyradex.Radex(column=i, deltav=line_width, tbackground=tbackground, species=name, temperature=temp, datapath=datapath, escapeProbGeom=escapeProbGeom, collider_densities=collider_density) table = R() # find closest matching frequency to user defined indx = (np.abs(table['frequency']-mol_data['t_freq'])).argmin() radexfreq = table['frequency'][indx] # get table for that frequency values = table[table['frequency'] == radexfreq] # use eq in io.f from Pyradex to get integrated flux in K * km/s int_flux_pyradex = 1.0645 * values['T_B'] * line_width fluxes.append(int_flux_pyradex) column_density.append(i) # closest matching integrated flux from pyradex fluxes = np.array(fluxes) index_flux = ( np.abs( * / u.s).value)).argmin() # corresponding column density in 1/cm^2 column_density = column_density[index_flux] print('Closest Integrated Flux:{}'.format( fluxes[index_flux] * u.K * / u.s)) print('Given Integrated Flux: {}'.format(integrated_flux)) return column_density